Do You Know Having Assurance Is Necessary?

Etika Suzerein
16320009 (Dk)

Do you have an assurance? Or you do not even know what assurance is? Many people are still not aware of the importance of having assurance. In fact, they assuredly need it. In Indonesia, based on article 1 section 1 of the Law No. 2/1992: Assurance or coverage is an agreement between two parties or more, in which the insurer bind themselves to the insured, by receiving assurance premiums, to provide replacement to the insured due to loss, damage or loss of the expected profit or legal liability to third parties that may be suffered by the insured comes from an event that uncertain or to provide payment which is based on the death of life (Rofiah, 2013). People probably assume they still do not need kind of assurance since there is no bad thing happened, so they are like “I need that sort of things later, no bad things happen now, all is well”. However, people should prepare kind of assurance even from the early age due to its benefits.
A slogan that states “not to break is better than to mend” has become popular since being healthy is priceless. Yet people mostly are going to seek a treatment when they are seriously ill in which sometimes caused by unhealthy lifestyle itself. In fact, the risk of illness can be obtained by every single person in this world in the unexpected time and place. What if someone whom you love apparently suffers from cancer and is extremely hard to cure except by using sophisticated hospital equipment and expensive fees? “An expert of health assurance states in Indonesia itself, it is estimated that a number of productive days gone due to illness in a month for 16-65 years old group” (as cited in Suryono, 2008). Thus, having health assurance is the solution. According to Sulastomo (as cited in Suryono, 2009), its purpose is to transfer health risk of the insured to the insurer so the insurer is required to give curing health service to the entire insured. In which health assurance system proposed to help society out of their difficulty in (economics) on the payment. Then people no need to worry anymore because everything has been covered by the assurance.
            From time to time, cost of education is getting increased, definitely more expensive. However, most parents do not put the education of children as a priority. In fact, to give children a really higher quality education is also fantastic as same as the cost itself. “According to the data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (2013), the average increase in tuition fees in Indonesia reaches 20 each year. A national media even reported the cost of education in Private Higher Education averaged 40 percent per year” (Wahyuni, 2017). No one can predict what is going to happen; how if the head of the family suddenly gets a terrible accident then die, while his wife also does not work and their children still go to school? Damayanti (2014) on her thesis states that in general education assurance has two functions; the first is generally for protection. This protective function bears the risk of death by promising a sum of assured money due to death. In most cases, the amount of assured money is provided in accordance with the cost of education of children who have been agreed in the policy, so that the children will still be able to continue their education. The second is as savings. Parents are encouraged to be disciplined by saving money early for their children's education expenses in the future.
Yet, after all, there are still people who think that assurance does not need to be prepared early on. They probably think that there are still more important things to take precedence. Moreover, those who are truly time-honored people will assume that to take the business of assurance and that sort of thing take their time and complicated. In fact, assurance can be considered a financial protection. By having assurance, people become more secure in terms to have anticipation if there are unexpected things happened such as accidents or illness. And in the end, it costs a lot of money and needs hospitalization. As a matter of fact, “there are many unit link insurance products that provide both protection and investment. In addition to getting protection, you will also earn savings from the premium you pay each month” (Sukadi, 2015). Sunarmi also provides information on her/his journal that there are various variants of investment instruments that customers are able to choose, such as cash fund rupiah, fixed income fund rupiah, and managed fund US dollar. In addition, customers are able to increase the coverage of life insurance coverage that can be selected as needed.
Given that evidence, it certainly convinces people to get ready to have any kind of assurance early on. It does not mean expecting bad things to happen but it is such anticipation. As already mentioned, just in case if someone gets an accident or suffers from a severe illness. Moreover, if that person dies and his children are still going to continue their education, it would cost a lot to cover it. Although it may be necessary for some people to spend their time and money to administer assurance yet there is nothing wrong in preparing the unexpected things that could happen to us, rather than finally there is only regret.

Damayanti, A. (2014). Competitive Advantage Produk Asuransi Pendidikan (Undergraduate’s Thesis). Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta).
Rofiah, K. (2013). Membincang Praktik Asuransi di Indonesia. Justitia Islamica, 10(1).
Sukadi. (2015). 4 Alasan Terbaik Kenapa  Anda Harus Ikut Asuransi. Retrived from
Sunarmi. Pemegang Polis Asuransi dan Kedudukan Hukumnya. Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 3(1).
Suryono, A. (2008). Asuransi Kesehatan Sosial sebagai Upaya Negara dalam Mewujudkan Masyarakat Sejahtera. Yustisia, Edisi Nomor 27 Mei.
Suryono, A. (2009). Asuransi Kesehatan berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 3 Tahun 1992. Jurnal Dinamika Hukum, 9(3).
Wahyuni, D. N. (August, 2017). Lebih Baik Mana, Asuransi atau Tabungan Pendidikan? Retrieved from


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