Connie Talbot Followed Me!

I was really happy. Three days ago, exactly on 23rd of May 2012. My idol, Connie Talbot followed me back on twitter! I followed her, and it's been a long time. Once I mentioned her only 3 times. I said to her "Connie! Please notice me!:-( you noticed another, but not me! Please connie:’( (actually, I just tweeted the same tweets as other #conniefriends hahaha). Then I just retweeted what she tweeted. For a long time I did not check her twitter account, then I opened it on 23rd of May after I came home from a course at night. I just wanted to see her tweets, then I retweeted it. After thata I tweeted to her, "Connie ... please #follow or #mention this. :-( " hahaha sorry I really craved her attentions.

This is the screen capture:

I thought that it would not be noticed by Connie. About 20 minutes later... Apparently she followed me back! I was really surprised! And of course I'm very happy. Ah.. I always check my followers many times since then ahaha.

It felt crazy! It got me overwhelmed and WAW! After Connie followed me, many of her fans followed me from abroad, too. Feels really lucky..



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