Farewell Party Of Junior High School 1 Sumenep '12 / '13

Hi! Do you miss me guys? Hahaha. Here, I want to post some photos of my Junior Hight School's farewell party, it's SMPN 1 Sumenep!
On 22nd of May 2013, it was a happy and sad moment for my friends, people of SMPN 1 Sumenep, and of course me, too! You know why? It was last moment for my friends and I, the 9th grade students with our beloved teachers and people of SMPN 1 Sumenep.
We capture it as our memories:)
Greeting session with all the teachers
THINKER CLASS, they are my lovely classmates
And this is informal photo session with my friends! I'm really sorry for the bad effects✌

Those are only some photos which I'm in it hehehe. There are still more photos. I'll miss this moment, I'll miss my junior high school 1 Sumenep. LOVE YA ALL! xx


  1. Jangan lupa kunjungan baleknya ---> http://poetra86.blogspot.com/

  2. I LIke That (y)

    ---> www.fadlirasulianto.blogspot.com

  3. ada salam dari arin pork


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